Just One More Page

I am a voracious reader and I love to immerse myself in the pages of a good fantasy/sci-fi book. After many years of happily reading and reviewing books on Goodreads I deciding if I want to jump ship due to the mass changes from it's new owners.

currently reading
Elizabeth Moon
currently reading
Maggie Stiefvater
Benjamin Kane Ethridge, Zach McCain
currently reading
Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee
October 2013
started following:
October 2013
currently reading
This is why I have so many unread sequels of favorite series... ♥ Bookworm Dreams ♥
October 2013
started following:
started following:
text: Do you know these guys?
I <3 this t-shirt. I bought one for mini-me last year
started reading:
October 2013
started following:
started following:
started following:
The infant monster attacked the cotton, stripping the fibers apart with its little teeth and swallowing chunks of it whole. ...
Because we love paranormal stories and we would love for them to be true :)))
started reading:
finished reading:

Currently reading

Limits of Power
Elizabeth Moon
Progress: 1079/1216 minutes
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater
Progress: 91 %
Black and Orange
Benjamin Kane Ethridge, Zach McCain
Writing to Learn: How to Write--And Think--Clearly about Any Subject at All
William Knowlton Zinsser
Progress: 33 %
Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things
Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee
Progress: 294/548 minutes
Columbia Common Sentence Structure Mistakes at LPI
Richard Lee